Community Outreach
In 2001, Bay Corporation established a scholarship in honor of our company's founders, Larry & Donna Hull, to be used by a new Westlake High School graduate who plans to attend Ashland University in the coming school year. As a corporate citizen, we are proud to support the public school system in our company head quarter's city and the private university located in central Ohio that many of our employees have attended.
"Bay Shares"
Each December our employees donate money to a special "Bay Shares" fund that is then matched by the company. This "Bay Shares" fund is given to the City of Westlake's Senior Citizen Center and used to help seniors in need during the holiday season.

Charitable Donations
Our employees are encouraged to donate money each week to participate in our "Friday Dress Down." These employee donations are matched dollar-for-dollar by the company and then given to Northeast Ohio charities as a means of giving back to our community. We select a new charity each quarter and since 2013, we have raised and donated $1,000's of dollars to a variety of charitable organizations including:
- Susan G. Komen
- Cleveland APL
- Cleveland Food Bank
- March for Babies
- Pelotonia
- Art Therapy Studio
- Joel's Place
- Coats for Kids
- Jeremy Cares
- Western Reserve Hospice
- Prayers for Maria
- North Coast Health
- Red Cross
- Cleveland Foundation
- Alzheimer's Association